
Sarah K Tew is an award winning painter based in the North York Moors, who is greatly inspired by landscape and nature.  Working predominantly in watercolour, she paints en plein air and in her studio, expressing a moment in time through quick brush strokes and experimental marks. 

Her art reflects her emotional response to the environment, prioritizing the essence of the moment over precision or visual accuracy. Elements like rain, snow, storms, and sunshine take centre stage in her work, manifested through textural and gestural expressions.

In her artistic pursuits, Sarah carries a weathered sketchbook and a pocket-sized watercolour set during her walks. These cherished tools bear the marks of nature's force, with pages stuck together or partially ripped; yet they serve as invaluable records of raw energy, holding a significance equal to that of her finished paintings.
Photographs taken by Jack Owen @ www.hellojack.co.uk